Tuesday 28 January 2014

Genre Cult Episode 1 - Launch Night

Genre Cult boyz Alex Yabsley and Eugene Davoren-Britton set it off right with a live recorded first episode! Jake Innes joins them live at The Public Bar in Melbourne with a live audience as they go through their favourite tracks of 2013!! Various frivolities and heckling ensue, but most of all a bunch of great music!

Full Show Notes / Track Listing at http://genrecult.tumblr.com

Twitter: @genrecult
Look for this and future episodes in your Gaming Cult iTunes feed!!

Sunday 5 January 2014



GENRE CULT - A new show brought to you by Alex and Eugene from Melbourne.
A podcast about electronic and bass music subgenres, packed with dope music and what's going on.

Some words from our bad boys:

"Electronic music subgenres are intriguingly and sometimes hilariously being created and destroyed on the internet at an exponentially fast rate.. Genre Cult Podcast aims to document and worship these musical movements."

Look for it in your feeds and subscriptions soon - Brought to you by the Gaming Cult Network.

The first episode wil be recorded LIVE at a Launch Party held on January 17 in Melbourne at Public Bar, 238 Victoria Street, North Melbourne. $10 entry. Come on down from 8:30pm for a great line-up of DJs and acts!! 

Jake Innes will be there too MCing the night.

Here's the Facebook event for the gig.

Follow the Genre Cult boys on Twitter @genrecult and on Tumblr genrecult.tumblr.com