Monday, 21 April 2014

Gaming Cult Trax Vol. 1 OUT NOW!!!

We've been putting this together for a while now and it's finally here!!
Love/respect to all the artists that contributed to this compilation.
Put together by the fine folks at Gaming Cult.

THIS COMPILATION IS FREE!! All money from those who donate will be used to keep this comp up and going! Thanks for the support - Jake

Please do check out Gaming Cult Podcast and all our other shows!!

All enquiries / demos send to

Look for more releases on CULT TRAX soon!

Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright SEGA
Ryo Hazuki/Shenmue Copyright Yu Suzuki/SEGA

Friday, 18 April 2014

Episode 41 - Murder She Won't

Angela Lansbury is hot.... also Sonic goes to the Zoo and maybe gets a kiss from Katy Perry. This is a gaming podcast. Featured music from B. Ames and Air Max '97.

Twitter: @gamingcultcast

Episode 41 - Murder She Won't <<<<<<<

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Genre Cult Episode 3 - Skweee

This month the Genre Cult boys are joined by special guest Heikki from
Finland (aka DKSTR) to talk about the Scandinavian corn flake RnB that
is Skweee. Along the way we here from Alex's Mum, the man who coined
the Genre - Daniel Savio. As well as Mesak, one of the curators of
legendary skweee label Harmönia Records. Salmiakkikossu life eternal.

Twitter: @genrecult

Genre Cult Episode 3 - Skweee <<<<<