Jake Innes, Eric Baudour, Bryan Abou Chacra and Zac Innes talk more Resident Evil 6 on this most hallowed of eves, along with massive announcement!!! A PAX Australia announcement!!! Also Battletoads, friendly fire, spooky candy talk, 1995 internet, Jake's holiday haul, Glass Rose, spooky halloween fanfic, spooky fetishes, Star Wars/Star Trek, more Chinese game titles with K's Kasian Korner, flying foxes, 10 bat facts with Eric, Super Stardust Delta, Zac's tragic Sims stories,Castlevania Lords of Shadow, JumpingFlash and vampire boyfriends. GUEST MUSIC BY KEVIN JZ PRODIGY!
Episode 19 - SCARECAST 2012 (Ashes to ashes, Chest to chest)